Prospective multi-role fighter T-50 was created under the "Perspective Frontline Aviation Ilyushin Aviation Complex" (PAK FA). Development of the aircraft began at OKB im.P.O.Suhogo at the end of the 1990s. Announced in April-May 2001 a design competition for the PAK FA program was won in the 2002 draft fighter T-50. Chief designer of the aircraft - Davidenko. Full-scale design of T-50 started after the defense of preliminary design in 2004 Production of a series of prototypes of T-50 started at the factory KnAAPO (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) in late 2006 first flight prototype T-50-1 made January 29, 2010 Dzemgi airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The program first phase of testing the PAK FA began April 29, 2010 on the basis of LII in Zhukovsky (Moscow region), and taking the aircraft into service and enroll in Air Force combat units is planned for 2013-2015 GG
What is the aircraft T-50 or PAK-FA
by Ustad | 08:15 in combat, fighter, jet, multi-role, pics, useful |