Now that I read about this more, I’m not sure if looks like a futuristic library or a library museum. One thing is for sure though, with all the creative ways artists are interpreting books lately, it seems they are no longer primarily used for reading anymore. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are old. Instead, they are being re-purposed into either new creations, or in this case, a new inspiration for an incredible art installation.

Last year, Airan Kang traveled the world to visit famous libraries so she could recreate them in the form of this digital library made from a ton of LED lights and custom made electronics. Each book in this installation changes in brightness and intensity. Each individual piece is a work of art in itself, and combined together, they create this imaginative light show of spectacular proportion.

She modeled these after specific books that have inspired her along her journey as an artist, and there are 109 books in all. They don’t contain traditional text of course since they’re more of a tribute than a replica. Judging a book by its cover just got a whole lot easier. Although I think she would have gotten the same effect with half this many books, I still love it, especially the idea behind it.


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